Suggoi! Arcana Heart 2 gets put through the blender en route to PS2
I was under the impression that the era of lousy ports was behind us. Apparently I was wrong.
(By the way, it’s not just graphical problems – there’s apparently lag as well)
In other news, I was playing some KOF’98 Ultimate Match on my PS3 today and it locked up when I tried to exit the game. Turning it off and restarting it basically yields…nothing. Looks like it’s bricked.
I wonder how annoying Sony’s repair process is…
Hmmm… what model PS3 did you have anyway? I’m curious if my old school 80 emu would play (and/or) crash 98UM…
Ye olde launch 60GB model.
I’m wondering if I can resolve the issue by popping in a new hard drive or something.
That sucks. Good luck getting it fixed.
Check my latest post – Sony works in mysterious ways